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Day 25 Astorga to Rabanal del Camino

Saturday 1st June 2013

20km - 4.5 hrs

Heading out of Astorga


Murias, 4km from Astorga



Iglesia de Santa María, houses a relic from San Blas, the Patron Saint of the village.

Albergue San Blas

Snow capped mountains in the distance

El Ganzo, 12.8 km from Astorga


Iglesia de Santiago, El Ganzo



Bar and albergue at the entrance of Rabanal del Camino


The 12th century Iglesia de Santa María


Accommodation Notes


The previous night in the albergue in Astorga I had felt cold in the night, and in fact I got up at 4 a.m. to put on a pair of trousers and a shirt to get warm. The net result was that I had a cold by the time I reached Rabanal. I checked out the Albergue Guacelmo but it did not open for another hour and a half. I noticed a casa rural, Hosteria A Cruz De Ferro in the main street, and upon enquiring I found that they had a single room with en suite bathroom for 30 euro. The temptation was too much and I decided upon a single room for the night. The lady even took care of all my washing for an extra 4.5 euro.




Casa Rural "A Cruz de Ferro"


In the evening we had an excellent perigrino meal at La Posada de Goaspar.


Albergue Gaucelmo


Next to the church in the main street is Albergue Gaucelmo, run by the London-based Confraternity of St. James. This looked to be a very nice albergue with friendly people. The next day I learnt that two people in the albergue had money stolen from the belongings overnight; this is not a reflection on the albergue itself which has a good reputation, but it is a reminder that not all pilgrims are as they seem!